Ximo Vicedo
It’s the first monographic CD with music for band of Carlos Pellicer registered and
mastering in Spain by Audioart during the months of December of 2014 and April of
2015 and produced by the prestigious Dutch publisher Molenaar Edition that distributes the CD.
On November 13th 1985 the town of Armero (Colombia) was literally swept away. It was covered by an avalanche of mud and stones set off by the melting of glaciers caused by the soon-to-erupt volcano Nevado del Ruiz, know popular like “El león dormido”. One of the 23.000 victims of this catastrophe wasOmaira Sanchez, a little girl about 13 years old that was trapped into the mud and her legs entrapped with concrete. This work is dedicated to her.
1. Flash, suite for wind band
2. Jad-a-daj
3. Omaira, for solo trombone and band
4. Sequences for band
5. Discursum
6. Dis-tensions-dis
Associació Musical Santa Cecília d’Ador
Director: Ramón García i Soler